
What Type Of Oil Does A Lawn Mower Take

When you see a lawn mower or even if you buy one, you will see that it needs oil for the engine. This is because an engine needs lubrication to keep it running smoothly. So, let’s discuss what type of oil is used in lawn mowers.

Lawn mowers require petrol, diesel or kerosene oil

A lawn mower will use petrol, diesel or kerosene oil for its engine. Now, the reason behind this is that these oils are good and efficient in the cold weather, they can cut the grass and keep the engine warm.


Petrol is one of the common fuels that is used in all types of engines. In the case of a lawn mower, it is the most popular and common fuel. The reason is that it is cheap and very easy to get.


Diesel is an oil based fuel and is very popular among truckers. It is also known as “Black Gold” and is used in all types of diesel engines. Diesel is available in different grades and can be used for different types of engines.


Kerosene is a light oil that is used for lighting. Kerosene is not suitable for engines, as it contains a lot of pollutants and can be hazardous for the environment.

What type of oil is used in lawn mowers?

There are different types of oils that can be used in lawn mowers. Let’s discuss them one by one.


If you want to use a specific type of oil for your lawn mower then you should buy it from a reputable dealer. If you are planning to use petrol for your lawn mower then you should ensure that you get high quality petrol.